In the summer - blue Hydranga are in bloom on either side behind the trees. You can easily see the plants on the left.
Unfortunately, October is not the time to go to see the flowers. But there is much more to see than flowers at this plantation.

These are two of the many statues. All of them are beautiful! There are formal walkways throughout the grounds.
Cherub Fountain
Blooming Begonias
This fountain is along one of the garden walks.
The entire garden is filled with
Camellias that bloom in the winter. And the smell of the Sweet Olive trees is beyond imagining! The Sweet Olive was in bloom while we were there.
My sister sitting in one of the doorways of the Gazebo
see me standing beside the tree on the right
We took this picture to get a perspective of the hugeness of the oak trees.
Spanish Moss - up close
Spanish Moss hanging on the trees. They used it in the construction of their houses and for stuffing mattresses, among other things.
More blooming flowers.
I love the gracefulness of this statue.
This picture was taken on the upstairs balcony, looking down the front entryway.
Taken from the upstairs balcony toward the side of the house.
Same view as above but closer. Not surprising, there are roses planted here too but I don't think they have the variety they would have had 165 years ago. Too much upkeep for a state owned park.
This is an amazing place to visit. The home tour is wonderful too. It is in St. Francisvill, Louisiana.